Friday, February 26, 2010


Marshyandi Hydropower Station is a PROR type with an installed capacity of 69 MW with three generating Francis turbines of each 23MW. It is situated at Anboo Khaireni, Tanahun. The powerhouse was commissioned in the December 1989. The power produced is connected to the national grid system. The donor agencies are: IDA, KFW, KFED, SFD, ADB.

Salient Features:

Catchments Area = 3850 km2.
Avg annual discharge = 210cumecs
Gross reservoir storage capacity = 3.20*10^6 m3
Max. flood discharge = 3350 cumecs
Min. flood discharge = 33cumecs

IDA : US$ 96.0 million.
KFW : US$ 93.0 million
KFED : US$ 9.5 million
ADB : US$ 4.36 million
SFD : US$ 11.5 million
Nepal government: US$ 7.21 million

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